Please watch the below video and read through this page to get started...

Be sure to check your promotions folder for your welcome email so you don't miss it!



Please watch the video below on how to access the E+mpower portal, call calendar, and course resources.


Course Modules

Your receipt was sent in a separate email. The charge will show up on your bank statement as ‘’Digital Business Evolution''.

Your login information to the course online was also sent in a separate email!

Make sure to login create your own password, and we strongly recommend saving the login page as a ‘favorite’ on your browser.

Your course material will be available immediately, but you will see only a few modules open until we officially begin!


E+mpower breeds a supportive community like no other!

We will be adding you to our private Facebook group on February 6th 2023 where you are welcome to engage, and post questions. You will also see client results, as well as weekly productivity hacks, tips, and tricks to further support you.

#question #feedback #knowledge #achievement #win


There are weekly coaching sessions on Zoom.

So, make sure you sign up for Zoom (it's free & you can use it on your phone or computer)

These are a great opportunity for you to get live coaching in the "hot seat" from Jess and the other Empower Coaches on any specific/individual questions you have from any of the lessons or support in general.

Stay tuned for the call schedule at the start of each month so you can block times out in your calendar!

Note: there will be additional BONUS calls with various industry experts along the way!



Brett Eaton - Head Coach

is a Life Optimization Coach and Motivational Speaker. Brett knows exactly how to get you taking imperfect action, sticking to daily and weekly commitments, and reaching your next level of success. Brett thrives on inspiring and impacting our E+mpower clients to dig deeper, break out of their comfort zones, and create new standards for their life. 


Mary-Theresa Tringale Head Coach

is a certified life success coach who loves nothing more than helping you find success both on the inside and out. After her own radical transformation in 2019, M-T launched her coaching business to coach others through their own breakthroughs to find their true life’s purpose.

Mary Tringale: Head Support Coach
Nick Pags: Mindset Coach
Shannon Weinstein: Financial Coach
Nick Pags: Mindset Coach, and Shannon Weinstein: Financial Coach

Did you know?

E+mpower has an even bigger mission...

By enrolling in E+mpower just provided education to one student for an entire year! 
The donation to pencils of promise has been made in your name, check it out! Thank you for helping us make a bigger impact!

We're sure you will want to dig in as soon as possible, so go right ahead! We look forward to getting to know you.

For help or any questions, email Lauren at [email protected]