See What's Inside Empower
See What’s Inside Empower

As seen on:

If you’ve been...

📆 Working with 1:1 clients, but your calendar (and income) is starting to hit a ceiling 

📱Posting consistently
 and getting some engagement, but your DMs aren’t flooded with inquires daily

🧩 Putting all the
 pieces together to finally launch, but are feeling a bit stuck on how to execute a successful launch without burning out

Or maybe you...

🗺 Know you have something to share with the world, you have the drive & fire in your belly to make it work; but, you just need to roadmap on where to focus first and how to piece it all together


I’ve been there, and almost threw in the towel so many times!

But, after 
over a decade selling digital products, working with thousands of clients, helping them generate millions in revenue… 

I want to tell you a quick story...

It was Summer of 2017 when my husband Mike walked into the living room and saw me curled in a ball on my knees, face in my palms, tears running down my face… I was a totally burnt out, overwhelmed, and a stressed out mess!

I had just gotten off the phone with my doctor; a call I had been anxiously awaiting for weeks… waiting to hear the results of my 2nd procedure in the hopes to rule out breast cancer.

Just months after leaving my 9-5 job, I had spiraled myself into the ground. I had said “yes” to every virtual client, took on every opportunity, was working full days at the gym, and I had literally made myself sick with a packed schedule of virtual 1:1 clients.

This was the complete opposite of the “freedom life” I thought I was creating, and something needed to change.

After testing a various business models and learning lots of difficult lessons; everything began to shift.

Within a few months of my burn out moment, I scaled from $10k months to $50k months.   From helping 5-10 people per day to helping 20-40 people per day…

… and I had more free time than ever before.


It all shifted when I realized that online courses were the quickest way to impact more people and scale to 6-figures and beyond...without burning out!


For the last 7 years I’ve taught thousands how to leverage their own skills, experiences, and perspectives to help more people (in less time) …

… all so that YOU can make a bigger impact & income on your own schedule!

I never want you to burn out, resent your business, or put your health & relationships in danger like I did…

Which is exactly why I created EMPOWER

Our proven Empowered Organic Method™  will teach you how to leverage organic social media marketing to attract dream clients and build a full-time income. All by strategically sharing your unique skill set & lived experience with the world! 

Empower is the step-by-step instruction manual & guided hands on support that your business has been craving.

Let’s review what you’ll get when you join us!

90 Days of Weekly Live Coaching Calls where you’ll receive personalized support

(VALUE $17,500)

Lifetime, instant access to our Proprietary Method, resources, and tutorials

(VALUE $3,000)

6 Months of weekly email support, trainings, & checklists to keep you on track (even after you graduate)

 (VALUE $2,000)

Private Community with our team of coaches and your classmates for daily support & accountability 


The entire Empower course content delivered straight to your ears for listening on the go with our private audio podcast

(VALUE $1,500)

The Empower course PDF workbook filled with exercises, progress trackers, and activities to safeguard you against any potential overwhelm

(VALUE $100)

That's a Total Value of $24,000

But wait, to support you even further on your journey, for today only, we’re gifting you these 5 additional bonuses!

The Launch Lab is a self-paced course where you’ll dive even deeper into the nuances of multiple 5, 6 & multiple 6-figure launches

This course is not sold anywhere else

(VALUE $1,500)

Lifetime access to our annual “The Club” Membership where we host monthly workshops, trainings, & networking sessions

This is the last time we’ll ever offer LIFETIME access for FREE

(VALUE $500)
per year

Hard copy version of our Empower workbook for easy implementing; mailed directly to your doorstep

*US and Canada Only*

(VALUE $100)

120 customizable social media Canva templates which all come with Mad Libs style prompts

(VALUE $200)

Make it even easier to write your emails with my plug and play list of 100 email subject lines that are proven to convert and increase your open rate!

(VALUE $47)

That’s an ADDITIONAL $2k+ in bonuses that you’ll get access to for FREE!


This total is well over $20k… $26,347 if you want to be specific!

Get started today for as low as $933


Still have questions? Click HERE to book a call with one of our coaches to make sure Empower is the PERFECT fit for you!

Empower was made for the:

Coach or Service Provider

Who is exhausted from trading time for money in 1:1 settings, looking to help more people, and leverage your skills through a scalable digital course

Online Business Owner

Ready to scale what you’ve already built (while “it’s working”, you’ve seemed to have hit a plateau), looking for proven strategies to see bigger results; all while avoiding burnout

Side Hustler who may be in their 9-5

Dreaming of creating your own business
, being your own boss, and having full control over your time & finances

Check out the phenomenal results our Empower clients have gotten:


If you’re anything like me, maybe you too have said the following...

  • "I’ve downloaded all the free resources I can find, but they all say something different. I’m not sure what to actually do. I don’t know what will work.”
  • “I spend every spare second of my day listening to podcasts sharing the latest & greatest strategies, but honestly I’m more confused and overwhelmed than ever.”
  • “Everytime I scroll on the gram for inspiration I just see dozens of coaches who are having so much success and I can’t help but wonder what they know that I don’t.”

And then you do what so many struggling coaches do…

… trying to mimic actions of other successful business owners

They make a reel, you make a reel. They host a masterclass, you host a masterclass. They increase prices, you increase prices. And so…the painful cycle of blindly following continues.

And to no surprise, it doesn’t work for you.

You end up feeling even more exhausted, confused, and frustrated by your invested energy & effort with NO RESULTS.

Don’t be ashamed! It’s not your fault!

In fact, it’s all you knew… until now.

Check out the phenomenal results our Empower Yourself clients have gotten:

Click below for a breakdown of Empower

Ok, Now I'm Ready to Enroll!

Still have questions? Click HERE to book a call with one of our coaches to make sure Empower is the PERFECT fit for you!

Not only will you and your business be completely transformed, but you’ll be properly set up to handle any challenge that comes your way (which they will)!

Imagine your life when you....

  • finally launched your profitable course (that you’re obsessed with) and have repeatable revenue month after month.

  • make at least 10k months doing what you are really good at and you don't have to trade your time for money anymore.

  • know exactly how to attract high paying, dream clients on social media without stressing about the size of your following, being “on” all the time,  or having to pay for expensive ads.

  • have a plug and play system to build a business machine you can turn on anytime that enrolls clients into your core signature program, no matter what season of life and business you’re in.

Hey, I'm Jess...I created E+mpower for you!

Why? Because, 
not too long ago, I was in a very similar place to where you may be…


… working as an elementary school teacher & personal trainer just to make ends meet

unfulfilled in my day to day jobs so I began blogging, hosting retreats, and taking a stab at network marketing

… putting myself out there and experiencing flopped launches, crickets on social media posts, & complete overwhelm 

After 5 years of throwing spaghetti at the wall in my various “cute side hustles” I took the leap, left my 9-5 job, and went all in on my online coaching business.

I began piecing together everything I had learned from mentors and mistakes to create the EOM ™ formula… the exact formula that helped me go from “cute side hustle” to million-dollar business in 18 months. 

Years later, we’ve scaled to multiple 7-figures, retired my husband from corporate, traveled the country in an RV for 14 months while working full-time, expanded our team, and most importantly…

… helped our clients generate over $22 million in known revenue, retire spouses, pay off debt, and create jobs for others
… guided 13 of our clients to reach millionaire status from the ground up
… opened doors in Jan 2021 to a school in Ghana to help underprivileged students and provide jobs for local community members

E+mpower is the virtual room where you get to turn your ideas into a sustainable & scalable income simply by making a bigger impact in this world!

If they can, you can too!

Brian Fleck

Real Estate Educator
(busy dad of 3 & Airbnb host)

“Deep down I knew I had much to share from my experience in real estate. I’m blown away, I learned so much so fast, from ideal client, marketing, social media, email list, and selling an online course before it’s even built! I can’t believe in just 90 days I built a course, had a $25,000 launch, and bought another investment property!"

Jera Bean

Social Media Educator & Tik Tok Expert 
(an "influencer" who hadn't  sold anything of her own)

"If I look at the opportunities that have come to me with my course and what has spawned off from the course, my life, had I not taken that leap, would be very different. The opportunities that have come to me…My husband and I just closed on our 2nd investment property that we’re turning into an Airbnb, we bought another house this year. It actually significantly changed my life!"

Rachel Provan

Customer Success Leadership Coach
(went from 1:1 to 1:many)


"I have so much more time now…I  was doing SIX 1:1 calls per day, and was a dishrag when my kids came home. I am so grateful to have a new way. I learned more in the past year than the past 10! I did $34k for launch, doubled consulting pricing, another $10k… $45k total!!!"

Enroll in Empower

Here’s where your roadmap to holistic freedom begins…

Every successful online business is built upon 3 critical outcomes: Audience Growth, Global Impact, Consistent Income

In order to master these outcomes we must first master the 3 key business pillars… that’s where my team and I come in!

Let me show you what’s waiting for you inside once you become a member of Empower!

I know that before I invest in myself I like to SEE all the details, weigh the pros/cons, and really get a FEEL for what I’m getting myself into. So, I made you this quick video that not only gives you a peep behind the curtain, but it answers our most frequently asked questions!


Building Your Business Roadmap

In phase 1 we take your business from sinking to solid by building an Unshakable Infrastructure™. We’ll walk you through exercises (the same that I use) to ensure you’re not building a skyscraper on quicksand because we both know you wouldn’t be able to build that very high! Phase 1 is set up to get you UNSTUCK and ON TRACK to effortlessly move through the remainder of the program with confidence and clarity.

Inside Phase 1 you’ll discover:

  • How to create your very own productivity map so you can FINALLY ditch the overwhelm, toss the dozens of post-it notes, and eliminate everyday business stressors

  • How the most successful entrepreneurs set up their legal & financial systems while being guided by our in house CPA & Attorney to make certain NOTHING falls through the cracks

  • Ways to extract your personal story, purpose, and expertise so you can build a POWERFUL brand that attracts dream clients while keeping you feeling aligned & energized

  • The KEY to finally nailing your niche and understanding the most important parts of your dream clients so that you’ll be in a place where your content truly does CONVERT

And so much more! From there, we move on to…

Creating an Offer so Irresistible it Sells Itself

To ensure you go from unknown to known by way of creating a Powerful Social Presence™  because you can’t make sales or impact if no one knows who you are or what you do.

Inside Phase 2 you’ll discover:

  • The #1 WAY the most successful content creators are optimizing their profiles, nurturing leads, and building “know like and trust” through organic social media

  •  How to create and launch your no-brainer lead magnet (aka your “freemium”) so you can build a list that you OWN that’s packed with potential dream clients

  •  How to EFFECTIVELY formulate a curriculum and launch vehicle that will deliver an excellent experience for your clients

  •  The PROVEN FORMULA to build rapport and safe coaching in all of your containers (free or paid) to not only increase customer experience, but also retention

By the end of Phase 2, you’ll never stress about leads, content, or pre-launch work again!

Enroll Dream Clients on Repeat

Install a Repeatable Vehicle™  to ensure you’re building not only a scalable and sustainable business, but a profitable one that’s packed with an audience of buyers who are ready and willing to do the work to get results.

Inside Phase 3 you’ll discover:

  • How to CONFIDENTLY speak about your irresistible offer in a way that never leaves your audience bored, confused, or wanting to swipe away; never feel salesly or sleazy again

  •  The MOST EFFECTIVE ways of managing difficult conversations, rejection, and objections without it derailing your mood, taking over your energy, or effecting any part of your launch

  • Where to actually FOCUS your time and energy during each of the 8 launch phases so you don’t get overwhelmed, overworked, or simply over it 

  •  A variety of pricing structures that leave you feeling aligned, expansive, and making decisions in your business from a place of abundance and growth; rather than lack and fear

After Phase 3 completes, you’ll have an entire framework for your business on lock. A framework that is not only repeatable and duplicatable, but is simple, effective, and efficient; lather, rinse, repeat model that will bring your business to a level of success you never even knew was possible!


I can talk about how incredibly life-changing E+mpower is for days, but I’d rather you hear it from more of our graduates!

Christina D'Amico

Clinical Nutritionist
(Brick and mortar gym to digital business!)

"We needed to find another way to create a revenue stream last year and Empower is the guide, the blueprint you need to start and build your business. I knew nothing before I started and I ended the program not only making my investment back, but also having a successful launch of an additional $13k in revenue. Empower is 10/10 for me."

Maddy Ciccone

Speaker & Coach
(Soul Cycle instructor to building an entire digital brand!)

"Before Empower I was known as a SoulCycle instructor and now, I’ve built an entire brand beyond the bike & generated $12k during my first launch. Empower gave me the extreme accountability. It taught me to do the work, show up, and make it happen. Sometimes we have a sink or swim moment, and this helped me to swim in. Time where it didn’t feel like it could happen. Empower was the game changer I needed in my life and biz.”

Mark Granger

Music Coach
(Quit his 9-5 to go "all in" on his business)


"I was working in a job that paid well and was easy for me, but didn’t nourish my soul in any way. I needed a way to get what was inside of my heart and mind, out into the world. In Empower, I felt support, connected and understood. Throughout Empower, I gained the clarity and confidence to quit my 9-5 and go all in on my business. Anyone who is on the fence, jump in! The world needs what you have to offer and Empower will help get you there.

Kim Rittberg

Video Marketing Coach & Podcaster
(Launched a podcast and built a more authentic career)


"I appreciate the vulnerability in this group and it’s so expansive. The last 18 months have been big and fast!  I launched a podcast, and I'm now getting paid speaking gigs, featured in press, and creating a career and life that’s more authentic to me! I’m excited to scale a biz that gives me a life that I want. I’m a do-er and the Empower structure was everything - organization, legal, finances, sales calls… $25k launch and my only other launch was $8k so this is huge!

What makes us different...

I can’t speak about other programs or courses, but I can say that what we’ve created and what we offer is nothing like any program, course, or coaching program I’ve ever been a part of or seen being offered (and I’ve been investing in online coaching since 2014).

So, what makes us different?

E+mpower follows the signature 4 C’s to Success Model™ .

The model that provides our clients with the winning combination of support and tools that create unmatched results.

1. Content

Lifetime access to our comprehensive digital learning portal, as well as our follow along course workbook where we walk you (and pace you) through our proven 5 step process to create and scale your digital business 

2. Coaching

A minimum of 2 live coaching calls every week where you have an opportunity for 1:1 hot seat coaching & feedback from our team of niche experts so we can have our hands IN your business; a full blown done-with-you model (note: all calls are recorded)

3. Community

Access to a private community of support, accountability, and daily coaching threads with personalized support for anything you may need in between our live calls

4. Continuing Education

Upon graduation we automatically roll you into our alumni program for FREE. This includes 12-weeks of additional support/trainings communication via email, a 90-day post graduation reunion call for elevated coaching, our alumni network FB group where you can connect with hundreds of entrepreneurs, and access to our FREE monthly workshops that we host for all graduates 

You already know how difficult it is to try and build your business by yourself…chances are, that’s why you’re here in the first place, right?! We both know, it’s not easy.

In fact,
every successful entrepreneur knows that success leaves clues. 

And while we’ve shared hundreds of financial wins, we also know the importance of the non-financial transformations as well!

And because over delivering is my love language, I’ve got some more juicy bonuses for you!

When you enroll by midnight PST, you get 2 additional gifts (valued at $1,999) carefully curated to simplify your process & accelerate your results

What makes us different...

I can’t speak about other programs or courses, but I can say that what we’ve created and what we offer is nothing like any program, course, or coaching program I’ve ever been a part of or seen being offered (and I’ve been investing in online coaching since 2014).

So, what makes us different?

Empower follows the signature 4 C’s to Success Model™ .

The model that provides our clients with the winning combination of support and tools that create unmatched results.

1. Content

Lifetime access to our comprehensive digital learning portal, as well as our follow along course workbook where we walk you (and pace you) through our proven 5 step process to create and scale your digital business 

2. Coaching

1-2 live coaching calls every week where you have an opportunity for 1:1 hot seat coaching & feedback from our team of niche experts so we can have our hands IN your business; a full blown done-with-you model (note: all calls are recorded)

3. Community

Access to a private community of support, accountability, and daily coaching threads with personalized support for anything you may need in between our live calls

4. Continuing Education

Upon graduation you will automatically begin receiving 12 additional weeks of support & trainings via email. 

And because over delivering is my love language, I’ve got some more juicy bonuses for you!

When you enroll by midnight PST, you get 2 additional gifts (valued at $1,999) carefully curated to simplify your process & accelerate your results

And while we can share hundreds of financial wins, we also know the importance of the non-financial transformations as well!

Sure, you can spend another 6, 12, 24 months
trying to figure it
out by yourself. 

you can absolutely invest $500 on another program that only gives you one piece to the puzzle (kinda like buying one tire without the rest of the bike)... leaving you stuck and having to buy yet another program.

Or you can invest $10,000 on another mastermind that doesn’t actually guide you with proven strategies, and expects you to know what to ask (which is seemingly impossible when you don’t know what you don’t know).

But, wouldn’t it just be smarter and more time efficient to learn how to build your business machine with all its parts and endless support - for a fraction of what duct taping it together would cost?! 

So, that leads me to how much the investment will be to get your hands on our Empowered Organic Method ™…

For the past 6 years, if you wanted to work with me directly, you would need to invest between $9k - $30k, OR you could join one of my high level groups that range from $12k - $22k

But now you can learn all the “lather rinse repeat” foundations without that high price tag!

Empower is a $4997 investment, which is honestly a no-brainer!!!


  • Not only do you get to work with me in a intimate fashion for a fraction of the typical investment, but you get access to my incredible team of niche experts

  • When you follow our step-by-step approach and implement our action items into your business, you have the opportunity to not only recoup your investment, but 2x, 4x, 10x it while you’re in the program

More Success Stories From People Just Like You


Now it's decision time...

You can join Empower today and set up the foundations to a long lasting, sustainable, and scalable digital business…One that will lead you to more income and impact, without sacrificing more of your precious time.


You can keep doing what you’ve been doing. You can stay exactly where you are, watching other people build their dreams, knowing that you’ve got what it takes, but remaining unsure of your path. 

You’re still reading this for a reason. 

If you’re fed up with going it alone, copying other “successful” online gurus instead of confidently building impact that LIGHTS YOU UP and sets you up to LEAD. . . 

Your next step is simple!!!


Still have questions? Click HERE to book a call with one of our coaches to make sure Empower is the PERFECT fit for you!

Join Empower Before Doors Close!









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Because I don’t curse, but I DO give a FAQ....

Find some of our most asked questions below!