71 | How To Retain Clients By Thinking Outside The Box With Isabel Smith
Jan 10, 2023On this episode of the Digital Business Evolution Podcast, Jess is joined by Isabel Smith who is the founder of Isabel Smith Nutrition. Isabel is a nationally recognized integrative registered dietitian, health and lifestyle expert, as well as a Certified Level 2 Reiki Practitioner. At Isabel Smith Nutrition, Isabel and her team of dietitians work with a wide variety of clients as they specialize heavily in gut health, thyroid, hormone, autoimmune, and allergy. Isabel and her team help guide their clients towards true health and healing, by identifying and treating the root cause of their disease.
Having retained clients for over 6+ years, Isabel talks about how to retain clients by offering support in revolutionary ways. Historically this field has been about putting a bandage on the symptoms of your problems, but Isabel puts a heavy focus on outside the box thinking and an individualized approach when it comes to client health. Also learn today about the importance of teaching people how you think, the importance of your immune system, your sleep, how to become a better leader and so much more!
As always, cheers to your evolution.
Key Takeaways:
- Learn tactical strategies to help retain and keep your clients coming back for years to come!
- Learn why looking at the bigger picture in your life can help you find the root cause of your health and mental issues.
- Learn about leadership and the ego trip that comes along with it.
Key Timestamps
- [8:57] – Taking the leap from working for a safe company to building your own;
- [13:10] – How to retain your clients;
- [28:30] – Thinking outside the box to solve your health issues;
- [35:24] – Better immune system with better sleep;
- [41:22] – Leadership is a skill to learn;
Episode Quotes
- “It's about thinking more macro because we got caught up in the micro and it's the big picture that matters.” - Isabel Smith
- “The formula doesn't matter, it's the why am i thinking this way and what’s behind the scenes in the decision making that is lost in translation in helping and heal people.” - Isabel Smith
Episode Resources
- Interested in learning more about the DBE Mastermind for 2023, check it out here: https://www.jessglazer.com/dbe-themastermind
- Isabel’s guide to a restful sleep right here! https://academy.isabelsmithnutrition.com/isabels-sleep-tips
- Also grab Isabel’s gut healthy grocery guide for free as well! https://academy.isabelsmithnutrition.com/isabels-gut-healthy-grocery-guide
Connect with Isabel Smith
- Instagram: @IsabelSmith
- Official Website: @www.Isabelsmithnutrition.com
Connect with Jessica
- Instagram: @iamjessicaderose
- TikTok: @iamjessicaderose
- YouTube: Jessica DeRose