38 | The Power of Patience
Nov 22, 2022In this episode of the Digital Business Evolution Podcast, Jess takes the floor getting a little Spicy as her clients like to call her. This powerful episode will not only dive deep into what the power of patience will bring to you and your business, but you will also get a front row seat to what it's like to listen in on a FB live during E+mpower! Jess goes into detail about reframing the mindset of your 9-5 job while working on your side hustle, all the while building your business. Jess explains to her students that this moment in their entrepreneurial journey is the best place they can be.
Key Takeaways:.
- Reframe what it is like to go back to your 9-5 jobs and side hustles by seeing them as a loan to build your business that you never have to pay back! You get to build your business for free which in turn makes you more excited to go back to your job and to actually work on your business.
- It is all about patience. Most, if not all businesses weren't built in 12 weeks, as it can take years and years to get there. Amazon years without a profit, consistently being patient, reframing the business and going back to the drawing board.
- You have to comprehend what you are learning. Once you comprehend what you are learning, you have to integrate it until it becomes a habit! Just because you went through a program for your business does not mean that you have integrated it enough to see the results.
Episode Quotes
- “You can't get to the next step if you don't step on the current stone you are on. You are not supposed to be all the way across .” –Jessica DeRose
- “When you get to a new level it actually doesn't always become easier, it often gets harder. So recognize the season that you are in, because you may never be here again and that is cool, that is beautiful.” –Jessica DeRose
- "The reason people don't make money is because they can't wait to make money.” –Jessica DeRose
Connect with Jess
Instagram: @iamjessicaderose